Protect your people
In the pandemic, medical protective equipment is in short supply. Since 2020 we are your partner for certified masks, rapid tests, full body protection, gloves in all quality levels. Thanks to our partners in Europe and overseas, we can supply you promptly worldwide.
We deliver the necessary equipment - fast, reliable and at fair prices.
FFP2 masks
Surgery masks
Medical protective suits
Rapid tests Covid-19
At-home saliva tests
Medical gloves
PCR tests Covid-19
Rapid tests Covid-19
Our Services for you
Purchasing & Procurement
Certificate and quality check
Congestion management
Cost savings
Product advice
Quality assurance/quality control
What we do
SI Medical is your partner for sourcing medical protective equipment. We have perfected sourcing in bottleneck markets for you. Our customers include government agencies, corporations and hospitals.
You benefit from our worldwide network of suppliers and partners.
Urgent need for medical equipment?
Be quick and call:
+49 621 405406-0
+49 621 405406-0